Dubbed “Victoria’s Secret World Tour,” the Premium chrome ro crew 2023 shirt besides I will buy this new show will bring together a cast of international women creators from four cities across the globe. The “VS 20” includes filmmakers, musicians, artists, and other creatives, with a quartet of fashion designers at its center. Using Victoria’s Secret resources, London’s Supriya Lele, Lagos’s Bubu Ogisi, Tokyo’s Jenny Fax, and Bogota’s Melissa Valdes will each produce collections, the behind-the-scenes makings of which will be captured in the doc. All four narratives will come together with a filmed fashion show that will also feature a fifth segment of Victoria’s Secret-designed pieces.Margot Bowman in Columbus, Ohio, at the Victoria’s Secret offices where she toured the VS Fashion Show Archives
Margot Bowman, the Premium chrome ro crew 2023 shirt besides I will buy this London-based director that’s been trailing Supriya Lele and her team, avoided the Victoria’s Secret Runway Show in her youth. “I didn’t aspire to that experience because I knew I was excluded from it,” she said. “I was an overweight kid. But I still remember the images; for better or worse they were iconic images, powerful images. And for me, I see this as an opportunity to create a new set of images that more people can find themselves in.” The company was the subject of a Matt Tyrnauer documentary Angels and Demons last year that investigated its former owner’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein. And a book penned by former Business of Fashion journalists, Selling Sexy: Victoria’s Secret and the Unravelling of an American Retail Icon that is scheduled for an early 2024 release, seems poised to keep the brand’s problematic history in the news cycle. Then there’s the fact that as the company has been reimagining itself, new rivals have emerged. Kim Kardashian launched Skims in 2019. It’s now valued at over $3 billion, and thanks to her influence it’s sparked a shapewear craze on the runways. Lizzo launched the rival brand Yitty last year with a tagline about “self-love and radical inner-confidence” that exemplifies how the lingerie industry is changing.When Victoria’s Secret announced on an earnings in March that it would be investing in a new version of its Fashion Show, the pop star took to Twitter: “This is a win for inclusivity for inclusivity’s sake,” she wrote. “But if brands start doing this only because they’ve received backlash then what happens when the ‘trends’ change again? Do the CEOs of these companies value true inclusivity? Or do they just value money?”
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